Nemat Alsaba is a FACEM at GCUH, an experienced medical educator with 25 years of clinical experience. She has a particular interest in geriatric emergency medicine (GEM). Nemat is the deputy chair of the ACEM GEM network and an executive member of the International Federation of Emergency Medicine (IFEM) GEM Special Interest Group. She has been disseminating GEM knowledge through creating workshops, resources, and educational activities nationally and internationally, including being the Convener for the #GEMSEMGold22 conference on the Gold Coast. Nemat has led GEM research around EoL care in the Emergency department. She holds a simulation leadership role at Bond University as the Director of the Bond simulation program and a Consultant at Bond Translational Simulation Collaborative. Recently, Nemat published a book that combines 2 of her passions (care of older persons and simulation) titled Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation: Geriatric Simulation, A Focus on Older Adults as Simulated Participants.
When she is not busy working or teaching, she enjoys the company of her three adult children and their three cats.